Benswic Outdoor Track

The ultimate performance Event out there

One-Rep MAX

The Benswic track and field programs concluded the annual Spring Fling Invitational on Sunday with a few amazing performances.

Third meet into the season, Benswic runners continue on making strives to get better. Team is growing; Team is continuing performing and knocking down times. Each are showing some great potentials for years to come.

Benswic Track Club

On our Boys side, Xavier Weir (our youngest runner 6yr) competed in the 100m with a time of  19.02a (PR), amazing run from him. Yasiin Bacchas (11-12) also competed in the 100m in 14.40, placing 13th. Yasiin has also competed in the open 400m with the of 1:08.34 (PR), placing 17th…taking 4secs off his original time!!!


Runners like, Joseph Melican (11-12) competed in the mile with a time of 6:29.65a (PR) and attempted Javelin as well today for the first and threw 51′ 1.75 (PR)! David O’Meara competed in his first 2k Steeplechase and performed amazingly, placing 3rd overall with the time of 9:20.94 (PR), 400m in 1:19.50 (PR) and the Long Jump in 11′ 7 (PR). Well done David!


On the girls side, a stand out performance from our new comer, making this her 2nd meet competed in the 100m, Long Jump and 400m, PR in both events. Egypt Boyd ran the 100m in 14.82 (PR), Long Jump (PR) in 10′ 4.5 and the 400m in 1:13.79 (PR), knocking 5sec off her original 400m time. WOW! Standout performance Egypt.


Lillian Mcconnell ran amazingly in the 100ms in the of 15.93 (PR) and the Long Jump 7′ 1.5. Followed by ZaQiyah Bacchas, competing in the 100m 16.75 (PR), 400m 1:19.64 (PR) and the High Jump 3′ 11.25 (PR), placing her 1st overall.

Benswic Track Club

Bryana Marshall, also had an outstanding performance competing in the 100m, 400m and for the first time 400m Hurdlers. Placing 2nd overall in the 100m with a time of 13.44 (PR), 3rd in the 400m in 1:03.00 (PR) and 2nd despite on two people in the race ran it in 1:22.24 (PR).

Benswic Track Club

Abigail Melican (a.k.a long distance runner!) also had a great performance running the 100m in 14.93, 400m 1:08.45 (SR) and 2k Steeplechase in 8:47.52. Xion Bacchas competed in the 400m in 1:10.53 (PR), 200m Hurdles in 34.78 (PR) and Long Jump in 11’3.


Next up for the Benswic TC are the Jeuness Invitational held at the Poly Prep Country Day School Brooklyn NY on June 10th.


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