Combines Speed & Agility; Strength & Power; Injury Prevention; Core; Mobility; Flexibility and More. Ways that every youth receives top of the line training.

Now enrolling Summer programs starting June 17



Classes are intended for every Youth to come and receive top notch training from injury prevention to getting faster.  All athletes, from first-timers through seasoned competitors and weekend warriors, can access state-of-the-art athletic facilities, world-class programming, and the highest level of coaching.


(Now Enrolling Summer Programs)

Fall 2023

September 12 – December 16

Winter 2024

January 8 – April 4

Spring 2024

March 30 – June 27

Summer 2024

June 17 – August 16

Upcoming Training Sessions

Every client must book below in order to take classes and to help keep track of the amount sessions left.

Please also read our “frequently asked questions” below before registering.

Summer Youth Classes

June 17 - August 31

benswic school camp harlem, nyc

Holiday Camp


Put those days off school to good use with our Sports Performance experience! Allowing each athletes to discover NEW passions or talents along the way.

Upcoming School Break Camps

Class Rates

$ 467.28 / 12 Sessions


The percentage of focus we cover during each class.

Strength & Conditioning

Class Rates

$ 467.28 / 12 Sessions

Class Details

Each of our sessions will be an Hour and Half.

Our training sessions are developed and designed solely to build a complete Athlete:

  • Functional Movement
  • Dynamic Warm-up (Drills / Stretches)
  • Anti-Rotation & Anti-Extension Core
  • Speed & Agility
  • Strength, Power & Plyos
  • Hill Training
  • Mobility, Stability, Flexibility & Injury Prevention

Now, lets create art…

Days: Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays & Sundays

Times: 5pm – 6:30pm (Tuesdays, Thursdays);
11:30am – 1pm (Saturdays & Sundays)


Youth Sports Performance classes are fully customized to benefit all skill levels. Come prepared to work on Mobility, Core, Strength & Conditioning and Power.



All our Youth Classes are for an hour and half.

The Youth Classes are Tuesdays + Thursdays at 5pm – 6:30pm; Saturdays + Sundays 11:30am – 1pm.

Please NOTE subject to change at any moment.

No. Whether someone is looking to excel in a specific sport, enhance their general athleticism, or simply lead a healthier lifestyle, sports performance training classes can be a valuable resource.

  • Improved Physical Conditioning: These classes focus on building strength, speed, endurance, agility, flexibility, and other physical attributes that are crucial for performing at a high level in sports.

  • Injury Prevention: Proper training techniques can help athletes develop stronger muscles and joints, reducing the risk of injuries during training and competition.

  • Enhanced Sport-Specific Skills: Training is designed to improve specific skills and techniques relevant to the particular sport, such as shooting in basketball, tackling in football, or serving in tennis.

  • Increased Mental Toughness: Sports performance training often includes mental conditioning to enhance focus, concentration, confidence, and the ability to handle pressure during competitive situations.

  • Individualized Programs: Coaches may tailor training programs to suit the strengths and weaknesses of each athlete, addressing their unique needs and goals.

  • Teamwork and Communication: Some sports performance classes involve group exercises, fostering teamwork and communication skills necessary for team sports.

  • Periodization and Progression: Training classes may follow a structured plan with periodization, which involves dividing the training into different phases to optimize performance at specific times and prevent overtraining.

  • Motivation and Accountability: Training with others in a class setting can provide motivation and a sense of accountability to stick to the training regimen.

  • Tracking and Assessment: Progress is often monitored through various tests and assessments, helping athletes and coaches track improvements and identify areas for further development.

Skill Progression is an area we are big on. The program is consider based on athletes current skill level in their chosen sport and provide appropriate drills and exercises to help with their progress gradually. It’s essential to build a solid foundation before moving on to more complex skills.

With our 12 week program allows us to follow a structured periodization plan, with training divided into phases that target different aspects of performance throughout each season and or year.


Yes, injury prevention and proper techniques are critical components of sports performance training. An effective training program should prioritize the safety and well-being of the participants, especially when working with young athletes who are still growing and developing. Here’s how sports performance training typically addresses injury prevention and proper techniques:

  1. Proper Warm-Up and Cool-Down: Each training session will begin with a dynamic warm-up, which includes movements that prepare the body for physical activity, increase blood flow, and improve flexibility. Similarly, a cool-down is incorporated at the end of the session to help the body gradually return to its resting state and reduce the risk of post-exercise soreness.

  2. Core and Stability Training: Core strength and stability are essential for maintaining proper posture and alignment during physical activities. These aspects of training can help reduce the risk of injuries, especially in areas like the lower back and knees.

  3. Progressive Training: The training program follows a progressive approach, gradually increasing the intensity, complexity, and volume of exercises over time. This approach allows athletes to adapt to the demands of training while minimizing the risk of overuse injuries or burnout

Tracking and measuring progress are essential aspects of a sports performance training program. Monitoring the participants’ improvements allows coaches and athletes to assess the effectiveness of the training, identify strengths and areas for improvement, and make necessary adjustments to optimize performance. Here are some common methods for tracking and measuring progress during a training program:

  1. Performance Assessments: Regular performance assessments are conducted to evaluate various aspects of the athletes’ abilities. These assessments can include measurements of strength, speed, agility, endurance, and sport-specific skills. Performance tests can be standardized, and results are recorded over time to track changes.

  2. Timed Trials: Athletes may be tested through timed trials to assess their speed and agility improvements. For example, running a 40-yard dash or completing a specific agility course within the shortest possible time.

  3. Strength and Power Testing: Strength training progress can be tracked through the use of one-repetition maximum (1RM) tests, which measure the maximum weight an athlete can lift for a single repetition. Power output can be assessed through vertical jump tests or medicine ball throws.

  4. Skill Evaluation: Sport-specific skills are evaluated regularly to gauge improvements in areas like shooting accuracy, passing precision, or ball handling.

  5. Video Analysis: Coaches may use video analysis to review an athlete’s technique and identify areas for improvement. Comparing videos from different time points allows athletes to see their progress visually.

  6. Record Keeping: Coaches maintain detailed records of athletes’ performance assessments, test results, and training progress over time.

  7. Goal Setting and Progression: Athletes set specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals at the beginning of the program. Regularly reviewing and adjusting these goals based on progress helps maintain motivation and focus.

  8. Subjective Feedback: Athletes’ feedback and self-assessments are valuable in understanding their perceptions of progress, challenges, and areas of improvement.

  9. Training Logs: Athletes may keep training logs to document their workouts, exercises, sets, and repetitions. This log serves as a record of their training volume and intensity.

  10. Coach Feedback and Communication: Coaches provide ongoing feedback to athletes, highlighting progress and areas for improvement. Regular communication helps maintain a clear understanding of individual performance trajectories.

No. Each season has 12 weeks with 4 days a week of classes.  You can use your 12 session anyway you feel…once a week; twice or three times a week.


The MAX we take is 8 athletes per class…we may take more all depends on the level of the athlete. Since we’re heavily on developing skill of the athletes, we want to make sure each gets the attention needed.

Minimum 2. Now, if it’s less than 2 registered. Classes will be CANCELLED. We give 4hrs prior before cancelling, so please don’t register last minute.

  1. Notification: Participants may be required to notify the coaching staff in advance (4hrs prior) if they are unable to attend a training session. This notification allows coaches to plan accordingly and potentially adjust the training program.

  2. Make-Up Sessions: We offer multiple classes throughout the week. Allowing you to make-up sessions for anyone  who miss a training session due to valid reasons, such as illness, family emergencies, or school commitments. Make-up sessions provide an opportunity for athletes to catch up on missed training.

  3. Maximum Number of Absences: There might be a limit to the number of training sessions a participant can miss before additional action is taken. This limit ensures that athletes maintain consistent attendance and commitment to the program.

  4. No-Show Policy: Where participants who do not notify the coaching staff in advance of their absence may face consequences (no show fee) or lose the opportunity for make-up sessions.

  5. Rescheduling Policy: If a training session needs to be rescheduled due to unforeseen circumstances or conflicts, the coaching staff should communicate the changes to all participants in a timely manner.

  6. Medical or Injury Exceptions: In cases of medical conditions or injuries that prevent an athlete from participating, programs may offer exceptions and adjust the policy accordingly to accommodate the individual’s situation.

  7. Refunds or Credits: All depends on how far we’re in the start of our 12wk program. First week, Full Refund; Month in NO REFUND.

    However,  may offer partial refunds or training credits for missed sessions due to extenuating circumstances or unforeseen events. Where this will be the only circumstance we’ll allow to carry over to our next season.

  8. Weather-Related Cancellations: Weather conditions might occasionally necessitate cancellations or rescheduling. In such cases, the program should communicate any changes promptly.

For most of the Holidays we will remain open. Days like Thanksgiving and Christmas we’ll be CLOSED but the other days we will be OPEN.

We will be offering Holiday Camp. So look for more information HERE.

Highlights of our Athletes in Action.


Summer camp

benswic youth league

We built a competitive team for those ready to showcase their running ability.

Benswic Track Club offer it’s services from Ages 6 – 18. We compete in Cross Country, Indoor and Outdoor Track. Competitions are usually on a weekly bases, at times we travel outside of New York.

Benswic Track Club, athletic performance