Benswic run club
This is our ONLY class that we train both Youth + Adults. We expose each the elements of running. Our goal is to teach running efficiency, foster a positive attitude about running, all while having fun.
- Wednesdays: Speed Endurance
- Saturdays: Long Runs
- Mondays: Cover techniques / mechanics, functional lifting.
- Tuesdays: at 161st Track Macombs Dam Park
- Thursdays: Speed and Hill Training at 135th Saint Nicholas Park
To Register is below…
Hill circuit training
Everyone can benefit from this type of training – for athletes or non-athletes. Adding regular speed and agility workouts to your cardio routine is a fun way to shake up your workout.
All of the routine in this class employ’s the principles of plyometric, windsprints, agility ladder, and rapid alternating movement training all by using the “Resistant Bands”, which can help:
- increases leg power and vertical leap
- improve the strength in the tendons and muscles in each leg and is particularly good for runners;
- coordination, balance, and lateral speed
- increase speed, agility, quickness, stamina and endurance.
Athletic-base training Camp
We are going to focus on building your stamina and functional strength through various methods including dynamic stretching, pushing and pulling movements, speed play, plyometrics, AMRAP Circuits (to burn fat) and other means to get a fun filled 90 min interval workout.